Press Release: Bobtail Fire Incident at Gwagwa, Abuja

Asiko suffered a fire incident involving one of our older bobtails in Gwagwa, Abuja, on the 9th of June, 2023.

The incident happened whilst the truck was transiting a bad road and a protrusion in a pothole hit the underside of the vehicle at about 8 pm. An uncontrolled gas release ensued despite best efforts to contain the leak by the driver and his assistant. This subsequently ignited.

Fortunately, no lives were lost during the incident following the intervention of the driver to alert locals in the environs. However, a nearby shop suffered fire damage. Our primary concern following the incident is supporting the shop owner and ensuring all measures are taken to compensate for the damages caused.

As part of our commitment to safety, we consistently invest in training for our personnel to ensure their preparedness in handling such incidents. We will be working with the industry association to understand if and why the internal excess flow valve (EFV) did not operate to curtail this incident.

We wish to thank the members of the public who gallantly assisted our personnel.